
Empowering a
Sustainable Future


Pursing What It Takes To Be An Industry Leader

We have, and always will, pursue our role as an industry leader with a sense of duty to our employees, customers, the public, and the planet through sustainable, innovative products that promote positive societal and environmental outcomes.


To never stop pursuing better outcomes for our employees, customers, the public, and the planet, through innovative and responsible product development and stewardship.


As a corporate citizen, we understand that we have a profound responsibility to integrate sustainability into our business practices to best serve our employees, our customers, and the global community.

Sustainability at Diversified CPC

Community and global impact are embedded in our mission statement. Our vision has, and will always be, based on the continuous pursuit of innovation and stewardship. Purity and empowerment are pillars of our connected culture, and sustainability and equitable inclusion have always been inherently ingrained in our values and integrated into our business operations. At Diversified CPC, sustainability is not a trend, it is a business strategy.

Integrating Environmental
Sustainability: Where Business
Excellence Meets World-Class

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We are devoted to championing the pinnacle of environmental stewardship, which stands as the cornerstone of our forward-thinking sustainable values.

Waste & Substance Management

We encourage utilization of life cycle analysis to minimize the environmental impact of our services and products across the entire life cycle. Innovative developments in products and services that offer environmental and social benefits are encouraged. When recycling is not an option, solid waste generated from operations and industrial processes must be monitored, controlled, and treated as required prior to disposal in an environmentally responsible manner.

Air Quality & Emissions

The U.S. is experiencing an unprecedented demand for clean and reliable liquid petroleum gas (LPG) products. Diversified CPC implements a reasonable, legally compliant, and comprehensive Air Quality Program, and we expect the same from our external business partners. Emissions of carbon should be monitored and minimized. Prior to discharge, emissions of volatile organic chemicals, corrosives, particulates, ozone depleting chemicals, and combustion byproducts generated from operations should be characterized, monitored, minimized, controlled, and treated as required.

Energy Consumption & GHG Emissions

We aim to serve as a responsible steward of the environment. We recognize that the assets we operate and the products we deliver can affect people and the environment. As a global leader in the design, production, and distribution of the highest quality hydrocarbon products, we have the challenging task of balancing customer demand and existing technology constraints with concerns about climate change. By increasing the efficiency of our operations, leveraging our engineering expertise, and implementing emissions reduction technologies, Diversified CPC is actively working to minimize our operational Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Conservation, Biodiversity & Resource Use

To the extent possible, and with ongoing improvement, we will continue to implement conservation and resource utilization reduction programs to conserve resources, biodiversity, and ecosystems. As part of our commitment to protecting the communities where we work, we perform routine site inspections and monitor water usage. We also perform stormwater inspections to verify that our drains are clear from chemicals and other debris that could contaminate our lands and waterways.

Putting People at the Forefront:
Where Business Relationships Foster Global Connections

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We are steadfast in our dedication to social responsibility, making it the heart of our forward-facing community-centered values.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Diversified CPC is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). To fulfill this commitment, we strive to cultivate an inclusive workplace and we equip managers and employees with tools to create equitable growth opportunities. We provide internal training and have integrated DEI strategies for vendor selection and hiring practices.

Community Involvement & Philanthropy

Community involvement is critical to improving social and economic development, and we encourage all Diversified CPC stakeholders to be engaged, especially in the communities where we work. We believe that our communities are equally as important as our customers and employees, and we are committed to supporting local charities and organizations.

Occupational Health, Safety & Labor Practices

At Diversified CPC, safety is a critical component of everyday business operations. A series of policies, procedures, and programs provide a framework for a workplace where employees share personal responsibility for maintaining a safe work environment. Our safety policy requires everyone to be responsible and accountable for recognizing and correcting risky behavior or unsafe conditions. This policy also establishes an ACHIEVE ZERO culture, an internal metric with a goal of eliminating injury and illness at our locations.

Human Rights

We champion global human rights, guided by fundamental principles such as those in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Core Conventions. Our support for these principles is reflected in our policies and actions towards our employees, suppliers, clients, and the countries where we do business.

Employee Training, Development & Engagement

Diversified CPC strongly believes that our success is directly related to our outstanding employees. As reflected in our core values, our employees are the foundation of our company. As we are committed to the success and development of all team members, we provide extensive training programs and a variety of options for career growth and professional development. Employee surveys, goal setting, and training targets, and internal audits are conducted annually to provide a positive employee experience

Upholding Ethical Standards: Where Integrity Meets Business Excellence

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We are unwavering in upholding the strictest standards of corporate governance, anchoring our commitment to future-proof, principled business leadership.

Business Ethics

Diversified CPC’s Code of Conduct sets the ethical conduct expectations for officers, directors, and employees at all levels. The highest standards of integrity shall be upheld in all business interactions. All forms of corruption, extortion, and embezzlement are unacceptable. Compliance with these standards is further supported by our core values.

Management of Regulatory & Legal Compliance

At Diversified CPC, we believe that by auditing our safety and quality systems, implementing corrective actions to correct audit findings, and improving the development of innovative technologies, we will meet or exceed all environmental, safety, and other regulatory requirements.

Product Design & Lifecycle Management

The utilization of life cycle analysis is always encouraged to minimize our environmental impact. This analysis considers a variety of factors such as the use of recycled material, energy consumption during service delivery, manufacturing and use, material identification, disassembly, and choice of material.

Accident & Non-Accident Releases

Of hazardous material during fiscal years 2022 and 2023.

100 %
Corrective Action Requests
(CARs) On-Time Response

All 38 CARs were responded to on-time, exceeding our 95% KPI goal, in fiscal year 2023.

2.7 K +
Employee Trainings

Topics employees participated in during fiscal year 2023.

Refrigerator With R600a Refrigerant installation post

The Future is Pure

We are pleased to share our first Sustainability Report, which showcases our accomplishments and ongoing efforts, and establishes a baseline for continuous improvement. Our next step is to identify and address our opportunities to further influence sustainability innovation across our business, our supply chains, and our stakeholders. What lies ahead is Pure Opportunity.


California Assembly Bill 1305